
Stuffed Kohlrabi from 1789

This recipe comes from the pen of an unknown Frankfurt housewife from the 18th century who published her recipes in the “Franckfurter Kochbuch”. It also contains a recipe for "stuffed kohlrabi". It is not clear where the kohlrabi (Latin: Brassica oleracea var. Gongylodes) originally came from. Probably its origin is to be found in the Mediterranean and Central Asia. For Europe, it is definitely documented from the 16th century onwards. The kohlrabi is often considered a typical German vegetable, so that it is even referred to as a German turnip in English. These spring vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals and can enrich our diet both raw and steamed.

Duration: Approxiamtely 30-50 minutes

Amount: Serves 3-4


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For the kohlrabi:

3-4 kohlrabi tubers with green

1 -1 ½ litres of water

2-3 rolls or the one half of white bread

Some butter

2 tablespoons of sweet cream

2 eggs

Pinch of salt

Pinch of nutmeg, grated

For the broth:

1 litre of vegetable or meat broth


Allspice, 1 grain grated

¼ litre of sweet cream

1-2 egg yolks for alloying


1. Peel the kohlrabi. Keep the green leaves for later.

2. Put the german turnips and the water in a roasting pan, put them on the fire and let them simmer for about 20-30 minutes.

3. Then hollow out the turnips from the top in the middle and cut the removed pulp into small pieces.

4. Now remove the inside of the rolls or the white bread and mix with the pulp, the kohlrabi leaves, the cream and the eggs. Season well with salt and nutmeg.

5. Put some butter in a pan and toast the filling in it.

6. Fill the kohlrabis with the fried mixture.

7. In the meantime, bring a vegetable or meat broth to the boil along with the remaining rolls or breadcrumbs cut into cubes, a little salt and a crushed allspice grain.

8. Mix the egg yolks with the cream in a bowl and pour into the broth while stirring to mix.

9. Put the kohlrabi in and heat them well through.

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