
Hearty Bakehouse Tart

This is a typical recipe baked in a common bakehouse in the upperhessian villages. A hearty tart that was usually put in the oven after the bread was done. You took one part of the bread dough, rolled it out nice and thin on a baking tray and covered it with a filling mostly of eggs, onions, bacon, herbs and if you liked, cooked potatoes. It tastes best warm, straight out of the oven. Bread recipes can be found on this website.

Duration: 70 minutes

Amount: 20-25 portions


For the dough:

1 kilogram bread dough (e.g. Rye-Spelt Bread))

For the filling:

1-2 kilograms potatoes, cooked the day before

2-6 eggs

1-2 cups sour cream

some milk

2 tablespoons chopped parsley and chives



250 grams diced bacon

optional caraway seeds

optional diced onions

a baking tray, greased with butter


1. Thinly roll out the previously prepared bread dough on a greased baking tray and let it rise well.

2. Now preheat the oven to 200°C.

3. Peel the desired amount of potatoes, grate them or press them through a potato press.

4. Mix the potatoes with 2-6 eggs, one or two cups of sour cream, a little milk and two tablespoons each of parsley and chives in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper and spread the mixture on the bread dough.

5. Scatter the diced bacon on the potato mixture and bake at 200°C for about 50 minutes.

Tip: You can also sprinkle some caraway seeds and/or diced onions over the top before baking.

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