
Cherry soup from 1789

In her Frankfurt cookery book from 1789, a "formerly respected local housewife experienced in the art of cooking" wrote: "To make a cherry soup". It is a cherry soup that is refined with red wine, butter and cinnamon and served with pieces of white bread. A dish that is particularly recommended on hot summer days and is not only suitable as a dessert.

Duration: 30 minutes

Amount: Serves 5-6


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500 grams sweet cherries

1 tablespoon butter

250 millilitres red wine

750 millilitres of water

1/2-1 cinnamon stick

1-2 tablespoons raw cane sugar, to taste


1. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan on the hob.

2. Add the fresh sweet cherries, either pitted or pitted, to the butter and sauté a little.

3. Add the red wine, water, sugar and cinnamon stick.

4. Bring everything to the boil once and then simmer for a further 10-20 minutes until the cherries are tender enough.

5. Remove the cinnamon stick and serve with sliced, toasted milk rolls if desired.

Tip: The soup can also be made with tinned or frozen sweet cherries.

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