
Herring Salad with Jacket Potatoes

From the "Kleines Kriegskochbuch. A guide to economical cooking", this recipe dates back to the First World War. The women's rights activist, social worker and publicist Henriette Fürth (1861-1938) compiled the collection of recipes on behalf of the food commission of the city of Frankfurt am Main. In this small, A5-sized booklet, she recommended a mixed diet consisting mainly of plant-based foods and only a small proportion of animal-based foods. Henriette Fürth categorised roast herrings, rolled fish and salted herrings as nutritious, cheap and easy to prepare. The latter are used in this very tasty herring salad with jacket potatoes.

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Amount: Serves 5


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4 herring fillets, diced

250-300 grams apples, diced

3 medium-sized onions, finely chopped



1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil

100 millilitres milk

1-2 beetroot, cooked and diced

1-3 Gherkins, optional

1-2 tablespoons sour cream

2 kilograms jacket potatoes


1. Place the herring fillets in a bowl and pour water or, if available, mineral water over them.

2. Soak the herrings in the water overnight or at least for a few hours.

3. Next, remove the herrings and soak them in the milk.

4. Remove the herrings from the milk for further processing and cut into cubes.

5. Reserve the milk.

6. In the meantime, core the apples and cut into cubes.

7. Finely dice the onions.

8. Also cut the beetroot and/or gherkins into small cubes.

9. Stir the oil and sour cream into the herring milk.

10. Pour this sauce over the herring salad, flavour with a little vinegar and mix well.

11. Serve with jacket potatoes.

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