
Cheese Sticks

I came across the recipe for these cheese sticks while looking through a handwritten cookbook, which belonged to a young lady called Marie Marx. There is an inscription on the inside of the front book cover saying "Cooking recipes for Marie Marx, Pensionat Dupré, Darmstadt 1913". The Pensionat Dupré was once at Heidelberger Strasse 43. It probably housed daughters from so-called "good" families who received their education here. A historical greeting postcard shows the two-storey historicist building with a winter garden and balcony facing the street on the eaves side, with a few young ladies looking out of the open windows. The word "Bedroom" can be found in handwriting on the top floor of the house and "Schoolroom" on the first floor to the left of the house. The cookbook itself begins with a "kitchen note on April 22, 1913" and lists a menu sequence under the respective dates. The young ladies were probably taught at the boarding school how to cook and put together a menu for their later servants. What is certain is that these cheese sticks made with Swiss cheese still taste very good today.

Duration: 30 minutes

Amount: 1 baking tray


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100 grams of butter

100 grams of flour

100 grams of Swiss cheese

1 egg

Some sweet cream

Cayenne pepper or paprika, to taste

1 egg, for brushing

Salt and caraway seeds, for sprinkling


1. Chop together the butter, flour, Swiss cheese, egg, cream and spices and knead briefly.

2. Form the dough into a roll, leave to rest overnight in a cool place.

3. The next day, use a knife to divide the dough roll into 10 pieces and shape individual sticks with your hands.

4. Brush the dough sticks with egg and sprinkle with salt and caraway seeds.

5. Bake in the preheated oven, on the middle rail, at 180 °C for about 10 minutes until golden.

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