
Onion Potatoes

From the award-winning Illustrated Cookbook by a culinary arts teacher, L. Kurth, from the early 1900's comes this easy onion potato recipe.

Duration: 1 hour

Amount: Serves 10-15


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1 1/2 kg potatoes, sliced

500 grams of onions, sliced

100 grams of butter


1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

salt and pepper


1. First, peel and slice the potatoes.

2. Skin the onions and also cut into even slices.

3. Put a layer of potato slices in a saucepan or roasting dish, then spread out a layer of onion slices.

4. Provide with knobs of butter and plenty of salt and pepper.

5. Then add another layer of potatoes, onions, butter, salt and pepper.

6. Continue until all the vegetables are used up.

7. The last layer should be potatoes.

8. Now pour over enough water and a dash of apple cider vinegar to just cover the potatoes.

9. Cook the onion potatoes for about 3/4 hour with the lid open until the sauce is slightly creamy.

Tip: Onions are easier to skin if you scald them in boiling water and let them sit until cool.

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