
Quince Biscuits

The quince (Lat. Cydonia oblonga) originally originates from the Caucasus area and was brought to Central Europe by the Romans. Jams, jellies, juices, purees and alcoholic beverages can be made from the fruit. The fruits are not only beautiful to look at, they are also extremely healthy, as their high vitamin C and potassium content is good for our immune system. Even Hildegard von Bingen recommended consuming these fruits. The quince biscuits are a really tasty biscuit recipe that doesn't only taste good at Christmas time. It consists of two biscuit halves, one with a "window" through which the amber-colored quince jelly can shine through.

Duration: approx. 1 hour (plus 1/2 hour resting time)

Amount: 3-4 baking trays


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For the dough:

300 grams of icing sugar

400 grams of flour

100 grams of corn or potato starch

100 grams of cocoa

6 egg yolks

400 grams of cold butter

For the glaze:

250 grams of quince jelly

2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Icing sugar


1. Put the icing sugar, flour, starch and cocoa powder in a large bowl.

2. Make a well in the middle and add the egg yolks and the cold butter cut into cubes.

3. Knead quickly with your hands to form a ball and let it rest for 1/2 hour in the refrigerator.

4. Roll out the dough about 3 mm thick. Cut out circles, stars or hearts with a larger biscuit cutter and cut out half of the biscuits in the middle with the smaller biscuit cutter of the same shape.

5. Bake in the preheated oven at 160 °C on the middle shelf for about 12 minutes and let the biscuits cool down on a wire rack.

6. Stir the quince jelly with the lemon juice until smooth and brush the biscuit halves without a "window" with it.

7. Dust the "window" biscuits with icing sugar and place them on the quince jelly halves.

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