
Mutzen I.

Kätchen Neumann was born in Heusenstamm in 1911, the sixth and youngest child in her family. As a teenager, she worked in the convent kitchen in Mainz, where her sister and cousin lived as nuns. She cooked for bishops and other dignitaries. Her cookery book, written in neat Kurrent script, dates from this time and contains a variety of savoury and sweet dishes. In the "Baked goods" section, there are two recipes for pastries on pages 24 and 33. The first consists of flour, sugar, eggs, cinnamon and milk. The second consists of flour, eggs, butter, sugar and lemon. The one labelled with Roman I is this one.

Duration: 1 hour

Amount: 50 pieces


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60 grams of sugar

2 eggs

250 grams flour

1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon powder

50-100 milk


1. Mix the sugar, eggs, flour and cinnamon with a little milk using a wooden spoon.

2. Knead the dough well and roll out thinly on a floured surface.

3. Cut the dough into long, diagonal squares (diamonds) using a pastry wheel.

4. Fry in hot lard on both sides until golden brown.

Tip: the fat is hot enough when bubbles rise from a wooden spoon held in the lard.

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