
Carthusian Dumplings with Wine Sauce

Carthusian dumplings are an ideal dish to transform rolls that have become too dry into a tasty, warm dish. This recipe comes from the handwritten cookbook by Marie Marx, who was taught, among other things, the art of cooking at the Pensionat Dupré on Heidelberger Strasse in Darmstadt. Originally, the Karthauser dumplings were considered poor people's food. The Carthusians are a contemplative order with an eremitic orientation, founded by Bruno from Cologne at the end of the 11th century, in which the monks live in very strict asceticism. However, this delicious dish has nothing to do with sacrifice and can still be enjoyed today.

Duration: 1 hour

Amount: Serves 4


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For the Carthusian dumplings:

4 milk rolls

2 eggs

250 millilitres of milk



Lemon peel



For the wine sauce:

3 eggs

100 grams of sugar

1/2 litre white wine

1/2 lemon, unwaxed, juice and zest

1/2 teaspoon corn or potatoe starch


For the Carthusian dumplings:

1. First rub the rind off the old milk rolls using a kitchen grater.

2. Halve the buns.

3. Whisk together the milk, eggs and spices and soak the divided milk buns in it.

4. When the rolls have become a little softer, squeeze them out slightly, turn them in the grated crumbs and bake them in hot fat.

For the Wine Sauce:

5. Mix all the ingredients with the wine while cold.

6. On the stove, the liquid is whipped with a whisk until all the liquid has turned into foam.

7. The sauce must not boil and must be used immediately.

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