
Chocolate Flummery with Corn Starch

This special dessert comes from the handwritten cookbook of the Scheffer family, who owned the Engelbach manor near Niederaula-Solms for over 120 years. From 1850 onwards, the Hessian Minister of State Friedrich Scheffer (1800-1879) had numerous conversion and renovation measures carried out on his estate. This also included a kitchen extension, in which this chocolate cream was certainly prepared from time to time.

Duration: 30 minutes (plus cooling time)

Amount: 5-10


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750 millilitres milk or plant milk

90 grams of sugar

150 grams baking chocolate, grated

60 grams of corn starch

If desired, mix starch with pulp of ½ vanilla bean


1. Remove some cold milk and mix with the corn starch in a small bowl.

2. Bring the rest of the milk and the sugar to the boil in a saucepan.

3. Finely grate the baking chocolate on a grater and add to the hot milk.

4. Now add the starch to the hot chocolate liquid while stirring and cook for a few minutes until it starts to thicken.

5. Pour the Chocolate Flummery into a pudding mould, rinsed with ice-cold water.

6. Allow the pudding to cool and leave to rest in the fridge until ready to serve, preferably overnight.

7. Turn the flummery out of the mould onto a large plate and serve with vanilla sauce or whipped cream, if desired.

Tip: For a perfect flummery result, instead of using ice-cold water, brush the pudding mould with a little coconut oil beforehand and leave it in the fridge until you can fill it with the cooked chocolate cream. After filling, leave the cream to cool completely, preferably overnight in the refrigerator, and then turn out.

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